
Showing posts from March, 2007
Yesterday a friend came by to show off his little bundle of joy - and what a bundle she was. I love babies. I adore babies. I'd have six more if I could, but don't panic - I can't, I won't, and I'm not begging for grandchildren. But holding that little angel, feeling her tiny toes through her little socks while I stared into those intelligent, inquisitive blue eyes that were sizing me up to see if I were good enough to hold her.... even though there was no blood relation, at that moment, if anyone had tried to lay a hand on that child, I would have responded like a crazed mother bear, and ripped his head off with a single swipe of my hand. And I would have had no regrets for doing so.
Realization - I am not a goal-oriented person. Realization - I'm working in a goal-oriented business. Realization - If someone tells me what I need to accomplish by X date, I can generally do it. Realization - I need to figure out how to do this for myself. Problem - Now what? I've spent most of my life looking for what it is I want to do with my life. This was never meant to be my career, but it evolved into what I do for a living. But is it where I'm supposed to be? I'm over 40 - is it too late? Can I make this what I want it to be? Woulda-coulda-shoulda won't help. All I can do is start from this point forward. But which way to go?
February is thankfully the shortest month of the year - a good thing, considering how bleak and miserable it usually is. This one, while it had its moments, didn't disappoint in that respect. Welcome to March.