"Down, down, down. Would the fall never come to an end? "

Tonight or tomorrow I head back to Momma's house. She has another round of chemo scheduled for tomorrow, which surprises me considering who much fun she had after her first dose. Three days in the hospital and two blood transfusions doesn't sound like something you'd want a person to have to do again, but cancer is very unforgiving, so the treatment is also unforgiving. Regardless, she's a strong woman, and we'll get through this. We have to. June has slipped away like most of the other months of my life, as I move from what seems to be one crisis after the other. I can't imagine having a life where I could actually have a few hours to enjoy a hobby or watch a movie, where coming home from work didn't mean starting the next project. And sleep - oh, to be able to sleep for more than six hours a night on a regular basis. But I'm just whining. It's my natural reaction to stress.


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