Dear God,

We need to talk. I'm at a loss here for what I'm expected to do. I come into work only to find that a co-worker, a friend, has passed away suddenly in the night, and the whole world is upside down. But lately all I do is move from one catastrophe to the next and I don't know what it is I'm supposed to learn. My family is all together for the first time in years, but we're all walking around in our own private depression and I can't find a solution, not for me, not for them, not for anyone. I'm tired and I want to curl up in the fetal position and cry, but I don't know that I can cry anymore. Everyone thinks I'm so strong but on the inside I'm screaming for help. So here I am, Lord, listening for that still small voice to guide me through this mess. Otherwise I'll spend the rest of my days going in circles.


Anonymous said…
This is what friends are definitely for. I'd be lost without mine.

Lean on them and they'll show you they love you, and that they'll always be there for you.

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