I may have to stop following football. It's just not a good year for me as far a sports are concerned. Hockey season is gone, my beloved Titans are on the on the brink of implosion, and Vanderbilt managed once again to find a season's worth of new and exciting ways to lose football games. Don't talk to me about basketball, because I like it only a little better than baseball. And tennis is senseless. Golf is fun to play, but boring as hell to watch, and thanks to a computer game I played YEARS ago, has reduced my response to most things in golf to "Oooh.... can't be too happy about that one, Jim." But football - God, I love to watch football. I joined the friggin' color guard in highschool for two reasons: 1) days out of school in the spring to march in the parades and 2) free football all season. I wasn't coordinated enough to twirl a flag and march at the same time, but I tried REALLY hard, and I loved doing it. I sold my Titan's tickets to Sunday's game, and I'm sure I got the better end of the deal. Now if I can just find a sucker for my Monday night tickets...
And then, last night, adding insult to injury, the Cowboys went from potential playoff material to leftover Tuna Surprise. I still like the Cowboys (don't tell Coach Fisher!) but the Tuna - well, to say that Parcells needs to go home, Jimmy Johnson needs to BUY a friggin' clue, and DAMN, how I miss the gravy days of Coach Landry pretty well sums up how I feel about the Cowboys. It's hard sometimes not to be a fair weather fan, but most of the faithful have ridden out the storms before. These days, however, it feels like hurricane season may never end.
And then, last night, adding insult to injury, the Cowboys went from potential playoff material to leftover Tuna Surprise. I still like the Cowboys (don't tell Coach Fisher!) but the Tuna - well, to say that Parcells needs to go home, Jimmy Johnson needs to BUY a friggin' clue, and DAMN, how I miss the gravy days of Coach Landry pretty well sums up how I feel about the Cowboys. It's hard sometimes not to be a fair weather fan, but most of the faithful have ridden out the storms before. These days, however, it feels like hurricane season may never end.