"To sleep, perchance to dream -- ay, there's the rub"
I wish I could sleep - the damn wood chip hit my right arm, and my preference is to sleep in the fetal position on my right side. Can't do that - might pull stitches, not to mention even the lightest amount of pressure on that spot makes me want to scream. So I'm dozing on my left side, arm propped up on a pillow, swearing at the dog who's confused because I'm on the wrong sided of the bed and she can't get comfortable either. Sunday night was bad, Monday I dozed all day to make up for sleep deprivation, but Tuesday I felt I had to go to work and I was useless. Last night I gave in and took a benadryl, which did knock me out, but the side effect of the cure is worse than the disease, I'm afraid. Six more days and the stitches come out. Six more days. Six more days of one-armed showers, left-handed mousing, and general bitching and moaning. :)


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