Did you ever feel like you were standing on the deck of a sinking ship? Should you "bail" or should you bail? For now, I'm trying my damndest to bail water faster than it's pouring in, but it's hard. The latest project undertaken here at work has not been implemented well. They had high hopes for an automated install, which did not work as expected. They ran a scan to see if things were installed properly, based on the presence of an add-on, only to find that their logic was faulty - it turns out it's possible to have the add-on without the base program, which they didn't scan for, and it's possible to have the add-on located in different directory on the PC and still have it work. Welcome to Friday before D-Day. Tomorrow they are upgrading the server, come hell or high water. Monday all machines have to have the new client to work. My machines have all been tested by hand and are okay, so my folks are fine. I may find my weekend filled with bailing out the rest of this joint, though. {Sigh} I need a bigger bucket.


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